Mix FM Saudi Arabia hosted the CEO of Ma’arif for Education to talk about Maarif and GEMS Saudi International Schools
Written by : | Published Date : 16/02/2021 05:55 PM
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Mix FM Saudi Arabia hosted Eng. Majed Bejed AlMutairi - CEO of Maarif for Education and Training, (Manarat Al-Riyadh, Manarat Jeddah, Manarat Al-Madinah, Manarat Al-Khobar, Manarat Al-Dammam, Al Faisaliah Al Islamiah - Khobar, Noor Al Islam- Dammam, Green Hills International- Jeddah and GEMS Saudi International - Dhahran) to talk about Ma'arif in general and GEMS Saudi Arabia International Schools in specific.
AlMutairi emphasized on the fact that the focal interest in Maarif for Education is the future of children by providing quality and planned education for students with all their differences, interests and abilities.
He said, “Our vision at GEMS Saudi Arabia International School in Dhahran aligns with the National Transformation Program to meet the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030. Upholding our culture and values will be a feature of our approach as well as providing students with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.” The focus will be on analytical thinking, problem solving, creativity, collaboration, communication, values, work, and accountability, and all other essential skills for successful students in the future workplace. This calls for a learning process that encompasses creative, ethical, social, experiential and entrepreneurial dimensions.
Speaking about GEMS Saudi International Schools in Dhahran, AlMutairi added that “We have a remarkable legacy of accumulated experience that exceeds 60 years. Our facilities are highly equipped to provide an enjoyable and thrilling environment for students: several and varied laboratories, numerous libraries, basketball and football courts, a gym, a Large and multi-purpose theater with modern and international technologies, indoor swimming pool etc. We also have a fully equipped primary health care center with two full-time nurses.
This is in addition, to our impressive curriculum that is compatible with the requirements of the Ministry of Education (MoE) with focus on national identity topics that include Islamic education, Arabic language, social studies, as well as compatibility with California standards concerning other subject areas, including the CCSS: Common Care Standards for English and Mathematics and Next Generations Science Standards NGSS for the sciences.
Speaking about the measures taken by the company and schools in light of the Corona Covid19 pandemic, he stressed that early planning and preparation for e-learning paved the way for the introduction of an advanced program. The program is based on principles that have been established to ensure the comprehensiveness and quality of the E-learning program:
The first principle: We designed a schedule that is very similar to the schedule that we were going to follow in regular in-person attendance.
The second principle: We made sure that the student receives simultaneous (direct) classes 100% of the weekly schedule and also we implemented extracurricular activities such as World Children's Day, World Education Day, a drawing competition, a creative writing contest, as well as the Science Fair event