After a break of more than two years, Maarif Education Schools open its doors to receive kindergarten and primary students
Written by : | Published Date : 13/01/2022 09:20 AM
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After in-class education of students had been interrupted for more than two years due to Covid-19, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health announced the resumption of in-class education for students in the primary and kindergarten stages who are less than 12 years old in government, private, international, and foreign schools, while continuing online education through various platforms for students who are unable to attend due to health conditions.
Maarif Education Schools, represented by Al-Manarat, Al-Faisaliah Islamic, Noor Al-Islam, Al-Rawabi Al-Khadra International, GEMS Saudi International, Ajyal Al-Alamiya schools, have taken all precautionary measures and implemented protocols for the safe attendance of kindergarten and primary students.
The Health & Safety department at Maarif Education will follow up the educational process in its schools for the primary and kindergarten stages, according to the flexible operational models for return and adhere to the application of health protocols and procedures approved by the Public Health Authority "Weqaya".
Maarif Education emphasizes the importance of community partnership in supporting the continuation of the educational journey for students in-class, despite the Corona pandemic and the need to reach societal immunity through our students, parents and teachers taking the third dose of the Corona vaccine, as well as getting tested after coming into contact with an infected person. Maarif Education confirmed the continuation of online education for students who have health conditions.
The Health & Safety department at Maarif Education explained that our schools are within the Low and Medium levels, and all precautionary measures will be applied while adhering to what was stated in the operational plan of the Ministry of Education.
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