Maarif Talents Represent 11% in the Elite Forum

مؤ��ف الخبر : | تاريخ النشر : 20/10/2020 11:21 ص

الرئيسية ~ الأخبار و الفعاليات

King Abdul Aziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity "Mawhiba" and the Ministry of Education organize the "Elite Forum" to qualify and nominate the scientific teams participating in the international competitions of science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and informatics during the coming period from December 16th to 27th, 2020 AD. 

About 313 male and female students will participate in the Elite Forum which will be held online. Maarif students from Manarat Al-Riyadh, Jeddah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Al-Khobar and the Islamic Faisaliah represent 10.86% of the total participants in the Kingdom.

The forum aims to nominate, train and qualify Saudi teams to participate in the international competitions, Olympiads and international scientific Olympiad, through giving various training doses.

Our participants will go through 60 distant training hours by a group of highly qualified experts and specialists for a period of 12 days; 5 hours per day.

Maarif seeks to achieve a number of goals for the welfare of our students through partnership with Mawhiba Foundation to help them identify the new strategies of problem solving similar to questions from the international competitions, deal with scientific complex problems, develop performance in the qualifying tests, in addition to readiness to be present in the international competitions and forums.