Maarif Education celebrates International Volunteer Day 2022
مؤلف الخبر : | تاريخ النشر : 11/12/2022 11:52 ص
الرئيسية ~ الأخبار و الفعاليات
Maarif Education, represented by all its schools, started a series of campaigns and programs to celebrate International Volunteer Day 2022, under the theme "A Giving Nation". It aims to fulfil some of the community's needs, focusing on various voluntary activities in many fields that represent the social, environmental and humanitarian aspects in cooperation with government agencies and the non-profit sector.
International Volunteer Day provides an opportunity for volunteer organizations and individual volunteers to enhance their contributions to development at the local, national and international levels to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
It is worth mentioning that the celebration of International Volunteer Day enables students to engage in many volunteer experiences to serve the community, achieving the goals of modern community development and enhance the spirit of belonging to the country.
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